I needed to install STATA to collaborate with a colleague at work. The computer guy gave me the software on a disk, with an installation guide. Here are the commands I entered following those instructions:
Create a directory for Stata
# mkdir /usr/local/stata13Install Stata
# ln -s /usr/local/stata13/ /usr/local/stata
# cd /usr/local/stata13
# /media/paul/Stata/install
Stata 13 installation
1. uncompressing files
2. extracting files
3. setting permissions
Done. The next step is to run the license installer. Type:
If the licensed software is Stata/IC 13, you will be able to run Stata/IC by typing
xstata (Run windowed version of Stata/IC)
stata (Run console version of Stata/IC)
Run the license installer
./stinitThere follows some questions about user name and affiliation. "The two lines, jointly, should not be longer than 67 characters."
Then comes the message:
Stata is initialized.
You should now, as superuser, verify that you can enter Stata by typing
# ./stata
# ./xstata
I added this to my .bashrc so that stata and xstata can be used as a command directly:
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/stata
Both command "stata" and "xstata" work as a normal user now.
There is an error message when running xstata:
'Failed to load module "canberra-gtk-module"'But this was not a problem at the start.
GNOME application launcher
I added STATA to the GNOME application lancher, by typing "application" in the launcher, then "main menu", "new menu".
R to Stata
I use R most of the time for data analysis and will export csv files to STATA.R command to export csv files:
write.csv(dtf, "filename.csv", row.names = FALSE, na = ".")STATA command to import csv files:
insheet using "filename.csv", delimiter(",")