I am trying to run Matlab based test statistics in
GNU Octave.
Octave commands
List variables available in memory
who %this is a comment
whos %provides class details
Change and display working directory
cd directory_name
data structures:
x.a = 1;
x.b = [1, 2; 3, 4];
x.c = "string";
Display the value of a variable
Loop over a list of files
csvfiles = dir("*.csv")
for file= csvfiles'
fprintf(1,'Doing something with %s\n',file.name)
Creating character arrays
"In the MATLAB® computing environment, all variables are
arrays, and strings are of type char
Reading data from an Excel or CSV file
test statistics I wanted to use loads data from an Excel file but this returned the error :" 'xlsread' undefined ". Reading excel file is provided by the
IO package which is not installed by default. The package is available in the Debian repository under "octave-io" , with the description "This package [...] contains functions to [...] read Excel spreadsheet (xlsread) and OpenDocument spreadsheet (odsread)." It is based on Apache POI. Load the package an try to read a file:
pkg load io;
xlsread returns an error "Detected XLS interfaces: None."
This forum post recommends to load the java and windows packages as well. Those packages are not available in the Debian repositories.
I decided to convert the Excel file to csv and use
csvread instead.
The script now gives the same output as on a windows machine running Matlab.
Warning: possible Matlab-style short-circuit operator
Short-circuit boolean operators explains that:
"MATLAB has special behavior that allows the operators ‘&’ and
‘|’ to short-circuit when used in the truth expression for if
statements. The Octave parser may be instructed to behave in the
same manner, but its use is strongly discouraged." [...]
I wonder why it is strongly discouraged.
"To obtain short-circuit behavior for logical expressions in new programs,
you should always use the ‘&&’ and ‘||’ operators."
I replaced "|" by "||" in the code.
Writing test results to a file
Matlab low level file IO, explains how to use fprintf (a vectorised implementation of the c function) to write text data to a file.